Strategy, digital communication & transformation, change management

Together with you, we develop an innovative corporate and communication strategy that will make your company ready for the future.

Erfolgsfabrik’s proven quality in consulting and implementation is based on our renowned expertise and in-depth know-how in the areas of digitalization, digital communication and change management

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The only constant in life is change.
- Heraklit


Identify opportunities, utilise possibilities & solve problems, contribute experience!

In disruptive times, it is not enough to rely on unique and innovative products alone.

We guide you and your team through the challenges of digital transformation. Our expertise is based on many years of experience, flexible methods, human maturity and empathy.

Thanks to our international network of hand-picked and long-standing cooperation partners, we can complement our in-house resources in a competent and uncomplicated manner. Experience and reliability are our top priorities.

Our ‘view from the outside’ ensures your and our success and raises awareness for the opportunities of the future!


Successful entrepreneurs & professional consultants

Competent, individual, personal, economically autonomous, independent.


Founder and managing director

The entrepreneurial principle of the Erfolgsfabrik is permanent development – both in professional expertise and in practical know-how and leadership skills.

At the core of the success stands Dr. Karoline Simonitsch – a passionate entrepreneur and problem solver with an extraordinary instinct for interpersonal communication. Find out more about the internationally recognised & renowned expert on her personal website ks3.biz.

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